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导读 名词 n. 1.背脊,背部[C] Someone patted me on the back. 有人在我背上轻轻地拍了一下。 2.后部[the S][(+of)] Grandpa and ...
2024-07-09 03:22:41

名词 n. 1.背脊,背部[C] Someone patted me on the back. 有人在我背上轻轻地拍了一下。

2.后部[the S][(+of)] Grandpa and grandma sat in the back of the car. 爷爷和奶奶坐在汽车后排的座位上。

3.后面,背面[the S][(+of)] 4.椅背[the S] [(+of)] 5.(书报等的)末尾[the S][(+of)] There is an appendix at the back of the book. 该书末尾处有一附录。

6.(足球等的)后卫;后卫球员[C][U] 副词 ad. 1.在原处;回原处 Joan and I walked back to the college. 我和琼步行回到学校。

2.向后;后退地 Please go back three steps. 请退后三步。

3.以前;追溯 A few years back you could see nothing but barren land there. 数年前人们在那儿所能看到的只是荒野。

4.回复;还;往回 5.止住;延缓 形容词 a. [Z] 1.后面的,后部的 He sat in the back seat of the car. 他坐在车子后面的座位上。

2.拖欠的,到期未付的 3.过去的;过期的 I bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday. 昨天我买了几本过期的科学杂志。

4.【语】舌根音的 5.偏僻的 6.向后的 及物动词 vt. 1.使倒退;使后退 She backed her car out of the garage. 她从车库倒车出来。

2.支持;援助;赞助 A lot of my friends backed my plan. 许多朋友支持我的计划。

3.(赛马等)下赌注于;打赌 4.裱褙;给...加衬里[(+with)] 5.背书(支票等) John backed the check immediately. 约翰立即背书这张支票。

不及物动词 vi. 1.倒退;后退 On seeing the dog, she backed away. 一见到狗,她便向后退去。

