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attempt to(attempt)

导读 及物动词 vt. 1.试图;企图;试图做[+to-v][+v-ing]They attempted to finish the task before July. 他们试图在七月以前完成这项...
2024-07-15 14:02:23

及物动词 vt. 1.试图;企图;试图做[+to-v][+v-ing]They attempted to finish the task before July. 他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。

2.试图攻占They attempted the life of the dictator. 他们试图杀死这个独裁者。

名词 n. [C]1.企图,尝试[(+at/on)][+to-v]He made an attempt on the world record. 他试图打破世界纪录。

Her attempt at poetry was a failure. 她尝试写诗失败了。

2.攻击[(+on)]Several attempts have been made。
