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导读 这些个句子语法有问题,拼写也有问题,只能帮你翻译拼写正确部分。 1. delivery time: in your proforma there is August 15th,...
2024-06-29 08:03:04


1. delivery time: in your proforma there is August 15th, mass production as you confirmed me it will within 60-70 days after deposit coming. slip bank is coming. PLS INFORM ME WHEN MONEY WILL COME. 应该是要讲:发货时间:… 根据你和我确认的信息,大批量的生产需要在收到押金后的60-70天完成。

… 请在押金到达时通知我。

2. you have "critical point details" so in advance you know the points that f.ty must pay attention during production and avoid that at the end our inspector found them. they are the same that we always ask you for sample to do. “关键点细节”,您已经知道我们对于细节的关注(猜的,这句话语法有问题,不是地道的英语),请在生产过程中注意这一点,避免我们的验货员最终发现问题。


3. inside you have information for STICKER to do. When you have file of sticker in your hands, pls send me to check before printing. white label with black words printing. if you have doubts, pls tell me. you are free to contact me and my shanghai colleague for doubts. better to clarify before some doubts to avoid future problem to solve. 在该文件中,有需要做的标签的信息,当您做出标签后,印刷之前,请送给我做确认。



4. sample are already been confirmed by customer time ago, so when you will receive the money we can start the production time. we received the 6 pre production sample in Shanghai. many tks. One pc will keep in shanghai office to do the inspection. Pls cooperate with my shanghai colleague and inform them when they can go to inspect. 样品早已经得到客户的确认,当您接到钱的时候,我们将开始计算生产时间,在上海我们收到了6个生产样本。




5. here you have picture, information packing and side+shipping mark to use. 这里有您需要的图片,包装信息和运货标。

6. you have inspection, penalities information, instruction for outer, shipment and document to prepare. if you have doubts, pls tell me. you are free to contact me and my shanghai colleague for doubts. better to clarify before some doubts to avoid future problem to solve. 已经给您提供了,验货及惩罚信息,运货的指令和文件。


